There is a reason why reading a newspaper and a book of the same length take a different duration. You will finish reading the newspaper first and the book later as much as they have similar word length. Newspaper is a product of the media industry whose main objective is to attract a diverse clientele. They have to make sure they use all means to attract their readers. People judge the content of a newspaper by just the front cover photo. If it is an advertisement then corporate who advertises on the front page have a higher quotation than the rest of the pages. It is this phenomenon that the cameraman should consider the type of photograph they place on any part of the newspaper. For example, a hotel room photoshoot has different hotel photography pricing than any other random snapshot.
The power of a photograph in a newspaper
Brings the subject matter in perspective
Just from a simple look of a photograph, you have an idea on the content of the message that accompanies the image. It is the reason why someone decides whether to continue reading the content or not. In a case where you have read the entire newspaper, it is a common scenario to skip part of the newspaper. Most of the times it is a part that lacks a photo. A photograph attracts the reader to continue perusing the newspaper and even have the urge to get the message in line with the image.
Attracts readers to get the information

Information of public interest must always be accompanied by a photograph. A study of the impact of images on the reader’s mind by a US university took two newspapers with the same message. One was accompanied by a photograph while one only had the title to introduce it. It was evident that the one with an image accompanying it had more readers than the one without. The only way to get the attention of a viewer is through a striking and attractive photo.
Visualizes the subject matter
What comes to your mind when you just see a photo of an amputated beautiful lady? This is a part of the magazine that you cannot just miss to read. Before you even start reading there are questions that already linger on your mind. What happened? Is she still alive? How does she survive? This means that it is just the image that has ignited your logic and subconscious mind to just think of the common questions. You will not pass that part however busy you may be.
Social connection
A celebrity of a prominent person also has a connection with the viewers. In case it is the image of your favoritemusician, you would want to know the reason why he appears on the print media. You now understand the reason why some of the blue-chip companies opt to get images of celebrities as their brand ambassador or appear on the billboards despite the high costs of using them. The benefits surpass the investment.
Relieves stress and anxiety
You need to break the monotony of reading between the lines all the time. It is tiresome to the eyes and also attracts sleep. Do you know why people prefer to spend time on their social media pages than the books- the power of images on cognitive skill?
Despite the powerful impact of the images you need to take care of the type of image that you put on a newspaper print. It should be of high quality and also one that uplifts the moral standards.