What Americans Need to Know About Water Safety

The US can boasts of drinking quality and safe water thanks to its competent state officials. However, as much as the government does its best to provide clean water, handling it at home or in the industries is the main challenge.

Besides, the type of water you also consume is also a significant part of water safety.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPS) – the governing body handling water issues- ave strict regulations that govern water safety.

It is this reason that all tap water in the US is safe for drinking. The tough question is, what kind of water reaches American taps?

Is it hard water or soft water? The perception that Americans have on hard water needs to be changed. 

Although it may not be sweet water compared to soft water, it’s relatively safe for use. Some of the reservations surrounding hard water come from its disadvantages

  • Wastes water
  • Forms scum when it contacts with a detergent
  • Elevates the boiling point
  • Affects the digestive system
  • Forms precipitation
  • Discolors clothes
  • Reduces the strength of cement

Water has many uses in the human environment, whether at home or the industries.

As much as the US government provides all services to ensure the water that reaches your house is clean and safe, Americans must exercise due diligence when using water to maximize its safety

What Americans Need to Know About Water Safety

1.      Wear safety jackets while in a water pool

The United States of America is a developed economy and has an advantage of modern facilities, in which they tend to ignore the simple water safety tips.

Whether you are an expert or a novice in swimming, as long as you are in a pool of water, never leave your safety jacket.

It comes in handy during the time of need. Moreover, when traveling in water vessels. It’s must-have protective wear. You never know when tragedy strikes.

2.      Never add additives to water in the name of treatment

The water you have at home is treated and 100 percent safe. Moreover, it has passed through regulations and standards measures, fit for human consumption.

Never doubt the work of EPA. Do you know the lawsuits and legal struggles in case of any mishap in water safety?

That is a route the state officials never want to go through, hence perfect for the protection of water supply.

Therefore, consume and use the water in confidence. The inclusion of other chemical additions in the name of treatment means you are doing it in excess. Remember, these are chemicals that may have adverse side effects on your health.

3.      Use recommended filtration systems

When not privileged to have access to soft water from your taps, the only option is to use water softeners.

We are in a free market. Although the government tends to regulate products in the market; the human nature may allow substandard products in the name of softeners.

Filtration system forms the best option when you want a constant supply of soft water at home.

You have to ensure you get verified systems and personnel to install it at home to enhance your water safety.

4.      Practice water safety tips

The many water use means that safety starts with you. You are in control of the kind of water you consume, even if the government supplies the best.

Here are a few water tips based on their uses that come in handy for its safety


  • Always have your safety jacket
  • Never get in the water to save a friend unless you ate an expert
  • Accompany children while swimming
  • Avoid playing games while in water


  • Never fill the cooking pot to the brim while boiling
  • Don’t leave boiling water unattended
  • Invest in automated water heaters
  • Switch off water heating appliances when not in use

Industrial use

  • Prepare a hazard assessment test as you conduct drills
  • Have an evacuation plan
  • Water is a conductor, regularly check on leakages
  • Invest in automated valves to avoid water flow
  • Engage experts when it comes to managing water systems


  • Avoid accidents by enhancing drainage systems
  • Run maintenance routines for water hoses and pipes
  • Clean up any clogged water to prevent slips

The privilege Americans have on a constant water supply may be a blessing in disguise if proper due diligence isn’t followed.

 It’s evident, the water safety tips are an individual effort, the government does their part, and the rest is left for individuals.

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